Friday, July 31, 2009

Improving Protein Requirements the Meatless Way

The Better Life Experts | July 6, 2009

Some people either for cultural, religious or ethical reasons do not include meat in their diet. It is a personal choice that involves some degree of dietary risk because our bodies require amino acids to build and repair cells. Amino acids are often referred to as “the building blocks of protein”. Animal proteins contain all the essential amino acids in the right ratios and are known as suppliers of complete proteins. Most plant based foods lack one or more of the amino acids necessary to classify them as sources of complete proteins. Limiting amino acids in the diet can inhibit protein synthesis and consequently hamper the repair and production of cells and muscle tissue.

But, nature has provided a way out for people who do not consume meat products in their diet. By combining certain carbohydrates, you can create a complete amino acid profile without eating meat. Known as protein complementation, mixing food groups can ensure that you get enough dietary protein daily. As long as you eat a variety of complementary foods within a 24 hour period of time, you should be able to reach the required levels of amino acids necessary for the body to function properly. Complementary proteins have different amino acid profiles, but can function as complete protein sources when combined together.

Some examples of protein complementation include:

Combining beans with a tortilla; lentils with cornbread; rice with beans; corn with peas; peanut butter on whole grain bread; split pea soup with whole grain sesame crackers; and hummus with pita bread. These are just a few good protein complementation ideas you may want to try.

The RDA (recommended daily allowance) of protein is about 47 grams per day for the average sedentary (inactive) adult. This requirement increases with activity, so the average adult who exercises moderately to vigorously should be about 70 grams of protein per day.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Crazy headache?

posted by Savitha Suri

Headaches are one of the most common health grievances of students, adults and even children, Headaches are very common and usually do not point to a serious illness. But even a mild headache can disrupt your daily activities

What actually happens in your body to cause headache?

The skull bones and brain tissues do not have pain sensitive nerve fibers. But muscles of face, mouth, throat, neck , scalp and blood vessels on the surface and base of brain are sensitive to pain as they contain pain sensitive nerve fibers.
The tip of these nerve fibers gets stimulated by various causes like stress, muscle tension, lack of sleep etc. The stimulated nerve tip sends message up the length of the nerve fiber to the related nerve cells of Brain. Brain locates the region of stimulated nerve tip based on these signals and we feel the pain or ache.

The headache may be mild, chronic or severe depending on the underlying cause and pain bearing capacity of the individual.
Our body produces natural pain killing proteins called endorphins. One of the theories suggests that people with low endorphin levels suffer from severe headache and other chronic pains in comparison with people having high endorphin levels.

What triggers headache?

• Anger

• Muscle tension

• Missed meals

• Vigorous exercise

• Sexual excitement

• Infections like Common cold , Flu , Fever , Ear infection ,Tooth infection Sinus infection , Pneumonia , etc

• Coughing - too much coughing can cause a form of traction headache.

• Lifestyle causes Hangover ,Excessive alcohol , Stress , Fatigue , Tension , Tiredness , Excessive smoking

• Dyspepsia

• Eye conditions

• Systemic or metabolic conditions, Hypertension , Thyroid disease ,Anemia , Kidney failure , Uremia

• Brain or head conditions Meningitis ,Encephalitis ,Head injury ,Heatstroke, Sunstroke

• Before, during, or after menstruation

• Hunger

• Medications (Many drugs designed to relieve pain can actually cause headache when the drug is stopped after a period of prolonged use.)

• Alcohol and caffeine withdrawal

• Not getting enough sleep

• Reading for long periods of time or eyestrain

• Doing repetitive work

• Staying in one position for a long time, such as working at a computer.

The same causes of head ache have been explained in Ayurveda also. These causes vitiate all the three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha). The vitiated doshas cause tension, migraine, sinus and other head aches.

Few common types of headache are Tension headache, Migraine headache and sinus headache.

Tension headache:

Tightening of muscles of face and neck cause tension headache. It is characterized by a dull ache in forehead or back of head and pain in neck and shoulders which travels to head. Causes like less sleep, stress, reading for a long time, and working in front of a computer for long hours can precipitate tension headache.

Migraine Headache :

Migraine headache is caused when blood vessels of head get too much dilated or constricted . Females are more prone to this type of headache than males and migraine tends to run in families.

A person suffering from migraine headache feels like vomiting becomes too sensitive to light, sound and other activities. Few people experience spots or flashes before headache.

Few facts like menstruation in females, caffeine, alcohol, aged cheese, cured meat, stress, change in sleeping pattern, strenuous exercise trigger migraine headache.

Sinus Headaches

A sinus headache surfaces when fluids in the nose are not able to drain well and pressure builds up in sinuses. A cold, dust allergies, dirty or polluted water air travel may cause this type of headache.
Sinus headache causes pain in forehead, cheek bones, nose and stuffy nose. The headache increases when face is bent or touched. The symptoms are worse in the morning.

Although headaches are very common, It is recommended to consult a doctor about your headache.

Go to an emergency departmentif any of the following symptoms occur:

• Pain that develops very rapidly

• A change in concentration or ability to think

• A change in level of alertness

• Altered speech

• Weakness, numbness, or difficulty in walking

• Changes in vision

• Headache with a stiff neck or neck pain, or if light hurts your eyes

• If you feel that this the worst headache of your life

• Headache with dizziness, or a feeling that you are falling to one side

• Headache from an injury or blow to the head

• Headache with fever.

Home remedies for tension headache.

For tension headaches massage few drops of peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil on temples.

Massage the scalp with slightly warmed sesame oil. This relieves tension headache and induces sleep.

Regular exercise, yoga and meditation reduce the stress levels and keep the tension headache at bay.

Persons of vata type can use hot water bags on aching parts and a hot shower will be of good help.

Persons of pitta type can use cold or ice packs on aching parts and wrap a wet cold cloth around neck.

Home remedies for migraine headache.

Make a note of facts which trigger the headache and also the foods. Try to avoid these .

Avoid spicy foods, coffee, tea , alcohol, onion and garlic. Avoid citrus fruits except lemon.

Try muscle relaxation exercises. Progressive muscle relaxation, meditation and yoga are definitely going to help. Relax at least for half an hour everyday by doing your favourite activities like listening to music, gardening, taking hot water bath etc.

Stick to you a regular sleep pattern and get enough sleep but don't oversleep. Avoid sleeping during the afternoon.

Rest in a dark, quiet room when you feel a headache coming on. Place an ice pack wrapped in a cloth on the back of your neck and apply gentle pressure to painful areas on your scalp.

Home remedies for sinus headache.

• Breathe in warm, moist air.

• Moist the nasal passages with the help of saline nasal spray. A saline spray can be used up to six times per day.

• Do not smoke. If you smoke, quit.

• Avoid second-hand smoke and polluted air.

• Avoid exposure to anything that triggers allergy or sinus symptoms.

• Wash your hands frequently to avoid colds.

• Seek treatment for a persistent cold before sinusitis sets in.

• Avoid alcoholic drinks. Alcohol can cause swelling of nasal and sinus tissues.

This article is copy righted. The author Dr.SavithaSuri is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of
Read complete article at

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Calcium Confusion and Reading Supplement Labels Carefully

Many of us are advised to use a calcium supplement if our daily requirements cannot be met through diet alone. Physicians may recommend a level of usage based upon elemental calcium, so it is important to read the labels on every supplement that you ingest. Elemental calcium is very important in the prevention of osteoporosis. Let’s take a look at calcium and its constituent parts.

Calcium is an element and cannot be broken down into other forms. Elements join together to form compounds, known as molecules. Calcium combines with carbon and oxygen (two other elements) to make a commonly known dietary formulation known as calcium carbonate. This molecule (calcium carbonate) contains elemental calcium, elemental carbon and elemental oxygen. Whew!

Okay, when calcium carbonate is digested, the calcium that was bonded to carbon and oxygen breaks off and returns to its elemental form. This amount is known as elemental calcium. For each tablet that contains 1,000 milligrams of calcium carbonate, only 400 milligrams (or 40%) is actually elemental calcium and becomes available for absorption through the digestive system. The rest of the tablet (about 60%) is carbon and oxygen.

Nearly all calcium supplements work similarly. They contain calcium compounds which in turn include different levels of elemental calcium, depending upon formulation. Calcium citrate, for example, provides 20% of elemental calcium, so a 1,000 milligram tablet of calcium citrate will provide approximately 200 milligrams of elemental calcium.

Calcium recommendations for men, women and children are given as milligrams of elemental calcium. According to the National Academy of Sciences, the following levels of elemental calcium should be ingested as follows:

0-6 months 210 mg.

6-12 months 270 mg.

1-3 years 500 mg.

4-8 years 800 mg.

9-18 years 1,300 mg.

19-50 1,000 mg.

51 and older 1,200 mg.

By choosing a brand of calcium supplements that meets U.S.P. (United States Pharmacopia) standards, dissolvability and absorption as well as purity standards can be assured. “Natural” sources of calcium in the form of bone meal or dolomite may contain toxic ingredients in the form of lead or mercury and therefore, should be avoided.

Since our diet is also instrumental in meeting some of our calcium needs, a future Bulletin will be devoted to providing information about which foods are best at helping us meet our daily quota of elemental Calcium

The Better Life Experts | May 29, 2009

A Quick Yoga Study

I often wondered what the value of each type of yoga position is, so I did some research to find out. All yoga positions help to develop strength and flexibility. Yet the type of yoga position that you do also offers some very specific benefits.

Standing Poses

They are included in many poses and they help to align your feet and body. This type of yoga position is especially useful in improving your posture. Standing poses strengthen your legs while simultaneously increasing flexibility in your legs and hips. They add to the mobility of your neck and shoulders and they increase the flexibility in your pelvis and lower back. One of the most basic standing poses is Mountain Pose.

Seated Poses

These poses help increase flexibility in your hips and lower back, while also strengthening your back. They add suppleness to your spine and elasticity to your hips, knees, ankle and groin. They also encourage deeper breathing, which contributes to you feeling calm and peaceful.

Forward Bends

This type of yoga position helps stretch your lower back and hamstrings. Forward bends also release tension in your back, neck, shoulders, and increase the flexibility in your spine. They often promote a sense of calmness. I find forward bends particularly challenging since I have a considerable amount of stiffness in my neck due to an old gymnastics injury. This is the type of yoga position where I often use a prop such as a strap or block.

Back Bends

They open your chest, rib cage, and hips. They strengthen your arms and shoulders, while simultaneously increasing flexibility in your shoulders. They help relieve tension from the front of your body and hips and they also increase spinal stability. You should always do back bends as a complement to forward bends in order to maintain balance in your body.


Although balance poses can be challenging, I find them to be some of the most fun poses to do. They help you develop muscle tone and coordination and also strength and agility. They help improve your posture because you really need to elongate your spine in order to keep yourself from falling over. This type of yoga position helps train your mind to focus your attention; if your attention if not focused, you will not be able to do the pose.


I love to do twists. Twists release tension in your spine and increase shoulder and hip mobility. They also help relieve backaches by stretching and opening up your back muscles. I often experience tightness in my upper back and twists help me loosen up this area. It is important to always do twists on both sides of your body in order to ensure alignment and balance.

Supine and Prone Poses

Supine poses are done on your back. They help stretch your abdominal muscles, they open your hips, and increase your spinal mobility. They release tension and strengthen your back, arms and legs.

Prone poses are done facing the floor. They strengthen your arms and back and open up your hips and groin. They relieve tension and increase flexibility in your spine. One of my favorite prone poses is Extended Seal because I find it very relaxing and it helps stretch out my shoulders and upper back.


This type of yoga position develops strength and stamina, particularly in your upper body. It also increases circulation because since your legs are higher than your heart, it reverses the normal flow of blood. Inversions help pull fluid out of your feet and legs, so they are great to do after you have been standing up for a long time. Advanced inversion poses require a great deal of strength and alignment and should only be learned under the guidance of a certified teacher. People with glaucoma, pregnant women and those who are menstruating should avoid inversion poses.

Relaxation Poses

Relaxation poses are usually done at the end of a yoga practice. They calm your mind and body and encourage a deep feeling of relaxation. This type of yoga position is often one of the most challenging poses to do, particularly for Westerners who often have a difficult time letting go. One of the most well-known relaxation poses is Corpse Pose.

There are hundreds of poses in yoga and they all provide wonderful benefits for your mind and body. By understanding each type of yoga position, you can choose a well rounded practice with asanas from each type or do those that meet your body's needs at any given time.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Chocolate - a health food?

Chocolate can be good for you.

There are, however; some things you need to know about the chocolate and sweet cravings you experience.

When blood sugar levels drop below 65 milligrams, a sweet toot and sugar craving is the result. If the blood sugar level is allowed to continue below the 65 mg., headache, weakness, and even heart palpitations can occur. Thinking becomes slowed and confused which leads to grouchiness and irritability.

Many scientific studies have shown that well being and a positive disposition result when the blood sugar levels remain above the fasting level.

The average American begins the day with high sugar content foods. Think about it. You're running late for work. You skip having breakfast. You stop at the nearest 7-11 or QT on your way to work and what do you buy? Sugar laden coffee and a couple of donuts! Or maybe you drive through Winchell's Donut Shop or Crispy Cream for your morning donuts and sugar-laden coffee.

If you are in a big hurry but not that late, your breakfast consists of the quick and easy. How about pop tarts, toaster strudel, frozen waffles, or coffeecake? And sugar-laden coffee, of course.

All that sugar that's consumed in the early morning hours causes the blood sugar to skyrocket, but in an hour or so it drops to a low level again. The result? Inefficiency and fatigue! The real function of sugar is to efficiently produce energy not fatigue.

The key to maintaining an even blood sugar level for hours after consumption is by adding protein to your breakfast. Drink a glass of milk or eat some yogurt or cottage cheese with breakfast. Another name for cottage cheese is curds and whey. There have been some excellent studies performed recently on the benefits of whey including increased hormone levels and lowered body weight. By adding milk, yogurt, or cottage cheese to your morning meal, you'll be taking a healthy step in the right direction.

If you feel you need a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack, eat a protein bar. I didn't say to skip the chocolate. The important point is to add some protein.

Mrs. A was bragging, "I can eat chocolate and still lose weight." It was learned that Mrs. A skipped breakfast and had only a chocolate candy bar for lunch.

She went on to say, "I have to have my chocolate. I would rather starve myself all day than to give up my chocolate."

Studies have shown that chocolate consumption is healthy because of its polyphenol and anti-oxidant properties. "Chocolate is a mild stimulant and mood elevator."1 It tastes good too. In fact, chocolate is delicious. According to a study at Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania, five out eight women crave sweets. The most prevalent craving being the craving of chocolate. 2

Mrs. A would be functioning at a more efficient level by replacing the candy bar with a protein bar. The craving for chocolate and sweets disappears or is at least diminished when the blood sugar level is kept high. That is accomplished by eating protein foods - NOT sugar foods.

What Mrs. A didn't realize is that when a craving becomes so intense that you think you can't live without it, it's become an addiction.

Many women crave chocolate every month during either PMS of their menstrual cycle. In addition to a blood sugar level, this craving could also be the result of a nutritional deficiency. Many "chocolate-addicts" crave chocolate because of a chromium and magnesium deficiency.

Chromium helps stabilize blood sugar levels and makes better use of insulin. This action lessens the urge to indulge in those delicious tempting morsels of chocolate.

Another supplement that helps to naturally suppress chocolate and sugar cravings is the amino acid L-Glutamine. Glutamine is known as the essential "non-essential amino acid." It is known to alleviate hypoglycemia.

In summary, chocolate and other sweets can become an addiction for these reasons:

  1. Low Blood Sugar Levels
  2. Nutritional Deficiency

Supplements that help curb the craving:

  1. Chromium
  2. L-Glutamine

he best way to curb the craving:

  1. Add Protein Foods to Your Meals
  2. Eat Protein Foods for Your Snacks
  3. Take Supplements


1. Zand, Janet, Allen J. Spreen, James B. LaValle. Smart Medicine for Healthier Living. New York, Garden City Park. Avery Publishing Company. 1999 p. 449

2. Studenmund, Gabrielle. Fitness Magazine May 2001. "Retrain Your Appetite" G & H USA Publishing, A Garner and Jahr Company. New York, N. Y. p. 55

About the author:

Bette has been writing nutrition, diet and weight loss articles for twenty years. The information she writes about is always up-to-date and timely. She'll leave you hungering for more of what she has to say.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Water and our Bodies

post by Sandra Prior

Water, next to oxygen, is the most important substance needed by our bodies. When we are dehydrated we start feeling lifeless and tired and unfortunately thirst isn't a very good indicator to when our bodies need water. Our bodies become less perceptive to thirst as we get older, which also increases our risk of dehydration.

Why Our Bodies Need To Be Properly Hydrated

1. Water helps to purify our blood.
2. It reduces the stress on our hearts and stomachs.
3. It helps to remove body toxins and flushes impurities from the cellular membranes.
4. It allows better circulation to the extremities.
5. Water prevents premature ageing. It nourishes dehydrated sagging skin, leaving it clear and healthy.
6. Water lubricates body joints and aids muscle tone and flexibility.
7. It reduces the risk of high blood pressure.
8. It reduces the risk of cancer.
9. It alleviates fatigue to the liver and kidney.
10. It helps with the recovery from illnesses.
11. Water is very important in controlling body temperature and the distribution of nutritional elements.
12. Water reduces the risk of birth defects, it protects the growth of children's intelligence and helps with baby growth.
13. It reduces the risk of Alzheimer's and it improves the memory of adults.
14. It helps with losing weight, it converts fatty deposits into energy.
15. It reduces the problem of water retention.

Existing Conditions Water Will Help Improve

1. Lower back pain
2. Diabetes
3. Chronic fatigue syndrome
4. Asthma
5. Rheumatism and arthritis
6. Allergies
7. High blood pressure
8. Depression
9. High blood cholesterol
10. Neck pain
11. Alcohol dependency
12. Colitis
13. Being overweight
14. Diarrhea
15. Headaches
16. Spastic colon
17. Heart and circulation
18. Aching bones and joints

Important Information about Dehydration:

1. When you feel thirsty your body is already dehydrated.
2. Children dehydrate more easily than adults do.
3. Water allows the body to metabolize fats more efficiently.
4. Fatigue is often a symptom of dehydration.
5. The human body has no water storage to draw on during dehydration. This is why you must drink regularly throughout the day.
6. By the time you feel thirsty, your body has lost over one percent of its total water amount. So drink before you get thirsty.
7. A dehydrated skin looks much older than a hydrated one.
8. Drinking water keeps your skin looking youthful, and vibrant.
9.Perfect Water ( a product) increases your hydration

Signs and Symptoms of Dehydration

General signs and symptoms of dehydration include: mild to excessive thirst, fatigue, headache, dry mouth, little or no urination, muscle weakness, dizziness or lightheadedness. When your urine is dark yellow or had a strong smell, you are already dehydrated. Mild dehydration (treated correctly) rarely results in complications, but more severe cases can be life-threatening, especially in the very young and the elderly. If any two of the following signs are present, severe dehydration should be diagnosed and treatment should be started immediately:

Lethargy or unconsciousness
Sunken eyes
Skin pinch goes back very slowly (two seconds or more)
Unable to drink or one drinks poorly

How Much Water Must I Drink?

If you weigh 80kg and another person weighs 40kg and you both are drinking eight glasses of water, who is getting enough water and who is not? It all boils down to a couple of factors:

1. Body weight, for every 10kg of body weight, one big glass of water. 80kg = 8 glasses of water.
2. For every cup of coffee add one glass of water on top the amount of water you have to drink, caffeine dehydrates you as well as alcohol.
3. Depends on your activity, the amount of calories that you are burning.
4. Depends on the day's temperature. You lose moisture from your lungs with every breath.
5. Other fluids are not a substitute for water.

Minerals in Water

Minerals in water are probably the most talked about and most controversial issue when it comes to water purification.

Two different kinds of minerals: The first important part of understanding minerals in water is to know the difference between Organic and Inorganic minerals.

Inorganic minerals are minerals that never lived and are unable to bring life into our cells. They have a covalent bond which the body cannot break down. They are metals and the body treats them more as toxins than as nutrients. Our body's cells reject inorganic minerals and deposit them in various tissues: Organs, joints, bones and the circulatory system. These inorganic minerals that have been rejected by the body can lead to kidney stones, gallstones and ossification of the brain, arthritis, heart disease and the hardening of arteries.

Organic minerals once were or are now living and can bring life to and be utilized by cells. They have an ionic bond which the body can break down into usable material for tissue repair and function. They are made of a plant, or living organism and the body uses them as food.

What about the minerals in our water: Although our bodies need up to 70 different minerals on a daily basis, more than 97 percent of minerals in water are inorganic and therefore undesirable in drinking water. Inorganic minerals are removed from water during nature's water cycle, that is, during evaporation from the sun, only the water itself is removed, with the inorganic chemicals behind.

The distillation process is one filtering process that mimics what nature does on its own. So, why are these minerals removed from pure drinking water? Inorganic minerals are picked up in the ground by the water supply. These inorganic, or non-living, minerals cannot be utilized by humans or animals. However, plants can. Plants turn them into the organic minerals through photosynthesis and then they're in a form that our bodies can use. Unfortunately the inorganic minerals that pass into our drinking water cannot help us and can in fact, harm us.

In closing: Water wasn't meant to be our source of minerals, plants are our source of minerals. Water function in our bodies is also far greater than being a source of food. You will be able to survive for up to 40 days without food but only six or seven days without water.

The Effect of Chlorine in Water

Chlorine is used for treatment of public drinking water because of its toxic effect on harmful bacteria and other waterborne, disease - causing organisms. But there is a growing body of scientific evidence that shows that chlorine in drinking water may actually pose greater long term dangers than those for which it was used to eliminate. One of the biggest problems with chlorine is the fact that it increases your risk of cancer. Firstly chlorine destroys vitamin E in our bodies. Vitamin E is a very important natural anti-oxidant which is part of our resistant against diseases like cancer. That is also why your skin itches and dries out after you have taken a swim in a swimming pool that has chlorine in it. The second thing that happens when chlorine is added to water is the chlorine binds with volatile organic compounds to form thrialominithanes.

Thrihalominitanes are carcinogens which are cancer causing agents. Chlorine reports have linked chlorine and chlorine by-products to cancer of the bladder, liver, stomach, rectum and colon, as well as heart disease, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), anaemia, high blood pressure and allergic reaction.

For Information on Perfect Water as a hydrating and Water Plus product - report here

Sandra Prior runs her own bodybuilding website at

Fruit Juice or the Whole Fruit

The citrus board isn't really that concerned about whether you choose to eat an orange or drink a cup of orange juice. The growers probably prefer that you go with the juice because it's more processed, which means they can charge more for it. But putting cares of major fruit conglomerates aside, which is better for your body - whole fruit or fruit juice?

The Winner is: A draw

The Reason: Oranges and orange juice, apples and apple juice, blueberries and blueberry juice, cranberries and - you get the idea - have benefits. As long as the juice is 100% juice, with no added sugars, both it and the whole fruit used to make it are packed full of antioxidants and are good sources of slow-digesting carbs. If you find that second part surprising, you're in the old school that believes that fruit juice is an excellent accompaniment for post-workout creatine.

Science - and the glycemic index of foods - has since shown that, although it's a liquid, fruit juice doesn't go through your body any faster than whole fruit. But there is another issue involved in the choice between fruit and fruit juice - fullness.

Whole fruit must be chewed, and it does contain way more fiber (in the example of orange versus orange juice, its 4 grams in the orange to juice's half a gram); both of these factors have an impact on appetite. Research has shown that the act of chewing actually enhances satiety following a meal. Fiber further slows fruit's passage through the digestive track and that means feeling fuller longer.

For these reasons, we recommend that you pick whole fruit for a midday snack (along with protein, of course) - it will tide you over longer than juice will. However, for your pre-workout slow carbs, juice is a better choice, if just for its convenient factor. Add a scoop of vanilla whey protein powder to a cup of orange juice, shake, and you have all you need to carry you through a grueling appointment with the iron.

Posted by Sandra Prior

Sandra Prior runs her own bodybuilding website at

Friday, July 17, 2009


Hemorrhoids are a fairly common (albeit embarrassing) problem, and one that needs to be discussed. According to the Mayo Clinic, roughly 50% of all adults over the age of 50 have suffered from uncomfortable symptoms at one time or another. But because it is an embarrassing topic, most of us are reluctant to discuss our symptoms with a health professional and tend to avoid the topic even with those closest to us. Even television commercials for products to treat hemorrhoids seem to avoid a straightforward approach to describing the symptoms and causes of hemorrhoids. And how many of us hope that our children don’t decide to ask us “Where do hemorrhoids come from, Mommy?” after they see one of those commercials. In an effort to address this issue more openly, here are a few basic facts that could help you decrease the probability of becoming a hemorrhoid sufferer.

External hemorrhoids occur when veins around the anus become enlarged and inflamed. They often appear during the later stages of pregnancy due to pressure and also appear to have a hormonal component. Other causes of hemorrhoids include constipation from low fiber diets, insufficient water consumption, excessive lactic acid from dairy products or a vitamin E deficiency. Other dietary culprits include excessive caffeine usage and over consumption of alcohol because these substances rob the body of water, necessary for the digestion process. Lifting and carrying heavy objects may also cause hemorrhoids. Finally, some people may have a genetic predisposition to getting hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are painful and can make it difficult to have bowel movements. There are many ways in which we can prevent and treat external hemorrhoids ourselves, but often, they are a manifestation of other health problems that should be addressed by your physician. High blood pressure, obesity, cancer, abscesses, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. must be diagnosed and treated by your physician. If you develop hemorrhoids or have any rectal bleeding, call your doctor and make an appointment for evaluation. If your physician recommends dietary and/or lifestyle changes, some of the following could be valuable in the management of hemorrhoids:

Increasing fiber and consuming adequate fluids in your diet as well as avoiding heavily processed and refined foods can help prevent constipation, a major cause of hemorrhoids. If you have hemorrhoids, be careful of hard wiping after a bowel movement because this can aggravate the tissues and actually cause new hemorrhoids to appear. Try using wet disposable cloths that are flushable to clean yourself gently and safely during flare-ups. If you cannot avoid heavy lifting as part of your job, make sure that you take precautions to raise and lower heavy objects properly so that you don’t weaken vein walls through excessive pressure. Losing weight can help reduce hemorrhoids because it lessens the pressure on veins in the rectum. Sitting too much can also cause or exacerbate hemorrhoids and is often an occupational hazard of long distance truck and bus drivers. Try and take advantage of any work breaks you have to walk around and reduce the pressure that constant sitting places on your rear-end.

Remember that external hemorrhoids are a fairly common problem that should not be ignored and can be treated successfully by making healthy lifestyle changes and working with your physician to treat any underlying health problems

ref; Better Life Experts | July 9, 2009

High Protein Diets and Bad Breath

An embarrassing side effect of low carbohydrate diet programs is halitosis (bad breath), commonly experienced within a few days of increasing protein consumption, a frequent companion to the low carb diet. Ketones (smelly chemicals) are produced as the body burns fat and exits through breath, urine and perspiration. A malodorous breath is the curse of dieters (just ask the co-workers, friends, family and just about any other person who comes into close contact with people who consume low carb-high protein foods). Ironically, it is one of the signals that a high protein diet is working, much to the dismay of many people who are on the breath receiving end of conversations with such a dieter.

The problem with low carb, high protein diets is that there is an insufficient amount of carbohydrate available for the body to burn off to supply its energy needs. When carbohydrate intake is too low, the liver converts fat molecules into fatty acids and ketone bodies, an alternative to glucose as a source of energy. When excess ketones (acetones) are produced, it can create an unhealthy state we call ketosis. Ketosis can lead to many health problems and is actually dangerous in extreme cases. Since most high protein diets limit the amount of carbohydrates you are allowed to eat, your body has no choice but to break down fat and other tissues, releasing ketones into your system. “Keto breath” is sometimes noticeable on people who are on very low calorie diets or on people with poorly controlled diabetes. Some people describe the odor as smelling like a combination of nail polish and rotten pineapple.

Another source of bad breath is the bacteria that live in the mouth. Bacteria feed off the food that lingers in the crevices of the gums, cheeks and tongue, giving off waste products that dentists refer to as “volatile sulfur compounds” (the smell of rotten eggs). These bacteria are part of a group called anaerobic because they thrive in dark, moist places that contain very little oxygen. Other bacteria within this group produce waste byproducts that smell like smelly feet, decaying meat, rotting corpses and fecal material. In general, we cannot detect these odors in a healthy person who maintains good oral hygiene, but when a person begins to diet, that changes. That’s because most of the volatile sulfur compounds that cause bad breath are waste products created by anaerobic bacteria as they digest proteins. To help counteract this, people who diet or exercise a great deal need to increase their fluid intake not only to replace the fluid lost during this time, but to keep the mouth clean and flushed out so that food and bacteria can more easily travel down the digestive tract.

When you consider the fact that Americans already consume more than twice the amount of protein needed, the addition of a high protein diet adds far too much protein to a system already on overload. Some of the health risks associated with eating too much protein include gout, kidney disease, kidney stones, and osteoporosis. So, if you or someone close to you notices that your breath smells, don’t just pop a breath mint to cover it up (although this can help). Instead, use this information to adjust the ratio of carbohydrates and proteins to achieve a healthier balance. One way to do this is to stay with low fat, high dietary fiber and high carbohydrate content, and to increase the amount of aerobic exercise you do. Include plenty of wholegrain, unprocessed grains, high-bran cereals, fresh fruit and vegetables, lean meat and fish, low-fat or skimmed milk and dairy products, legumes and small quantities of polyunsaturated oil or margarine. An excellent choice of vegetable is cabbage because it is low in saturated fat and cholesterol, while it is high in dietary fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, folate, potassium, manganese, vitamin A, thiamin, vitamin B6, calcium, iron and magnesium. Our Cabbage Soup Diet can help you avoid sacrificing important vitamins, minerals and fiber while helping you maintain a healthy fluid level as you lose weight. Contact us at for more information about the Cabbage Soup Diet (click here for details or to buy) and any other nutrition-related questions you may have.

ref;The Better Life Experts | July 15, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

Healthy Foods for Women.

1. Pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplement or wild salmon
The omega-3s in fish and quality fish oil help your body burn fat more efficiently, make your mind more focused and spiritually inclined, and improve your mood. Fish oil raises serotonin levels which is especially important for women because women have half the level of serotonin in their brains as compared to men. This explains why women are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression. As a bonus, fish oil also makes your hair and skin healthy.

2. Old fashioned or steel cut oatmeal
In addition to being inexpensive, oats have a low glycemic index, are high in fiber, and contain GLA. GLA in the right amounts helps regulate female hormone levels.

Oats contain a lot of fiber, both insoluble and soluble, the latter has a beneficial effects on cholesterol. Without going into detailed mechanisms, oats lower cholesterol, and can lower blood pressure, which lowers the chances of cardiovascular disease. This soluble fiber (with other constituents) also helps to keep our blood sugar stable by releasing its energy slowly, preventing some of the complications associated with diabetes. Oats reduce our risk of getting cancer, help prevent constipation, maintain a healthy digestive function and keep us at a healthy weight. Oats are a good source of thiamine, folic acid and vitamin E. They contain zinc, selenium, copper, iron, manganese and magnesium and have a higher concentration of well-balanced protein than any other cereal.

3. Berries

Berries contain huge amounts of anti oxidants and other phytochemicals (anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and more) which help prevent cancer, aging, maintain healthy vision, lower cholesterol and total blood lipids and keep the circulatory system healthy. Berries may prevent and treat urinary tract infections, help age related cognitive decline and lower amounts of brain damage in strokes. They also contain large amounts of vitamins, minerals and fiber with very few calories and no fat.

Berries are easy to eat just as they are, add to yoghurt, muesli, make a smoothie, add to fruit salads and frozen are just as good for you as fresh - just get them down you!

Blueberries contain many antioxidants and have a very low glycemic index. I recommend buying large bags of frozen blueberries from Costco, since blueberries tend to be pricey. You can always enjoy fresh blueberries in season but buy them in small quantities because they are very perishable compared to frozen.

4. Organic sweet potatoes
The deep orange color of an organic sweet potato shouts vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The average commercial sweet potato grown in depleted soil are not so vibrant. I believe the best multivitamin is to have a sweet potato three to four times per week. Sweet potatoes are also low glycemic.

5. Nuts

There are so many types of nuts, each with their own unique health benefits so this one is a bit general. However all nuts are a great source of protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. Eating a wide variety of nuts is best and stick to the plain ones, roasting and salting make them much less healthy! Women in a Harvard School of Public Health study who reported eating 5 or more 1 ounce servings of nuts/peanuts per week reduced their risk of Type 2 diabetes by almost 30 percent compared to those who rarely or never ate nuts.

Almonds contain high levels of calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, copper, the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium.

Brazil nuts contain selenium and may protect against breast cancer. They are also high in zinc, which is a vital mineral for digestion and metabolism. People with skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis are often low in zinc and it is essential for immune system function.

Walnuts contain omega 3 (and 6) which prevent heart disease, maintain healthy joints and brain function and provide anti-inflammatory benefits for asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema and psoriasis.

Cashews are lower in fat than most nuts and contain good levels of iron copper, magnesium, zinc which are essential for optimal bodily functioning.

Eating a variety of nuts can certainly help us keep healthy, do remember though, they are very nutrient dense so a couple of handfuls a day is plenty!

Cashews are a great source of monounsaturated fat and they are a nutrient-packed super food because they are grown in warm and humid environments close to the equator.

6. Avocados
These luscious green fruits are high in monounsaturated fat, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which are good for your metabolism and for promoting vibrant skin.

Those on weight loss diets will often avoid avocados because of the fat content; but we must remember that is some fat is essential; some fats are actively good for us and actually help, rather than hinder weight loss. Monounsaturated fats can speed up metabolic rate, help us feel fuller for longer and prevent binges on high sugar or saturated fat foods. Its low sugar content and absence of starch make avocado an ideal food for diabetics.

Avocados have a high nutritional density, containing many vitamins and minerals, protein and fibre. They are very high in anti-oxidants so helping to prevent cancer, cataracts and aging. Some of the constituents have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels. When eaten with other fruit and vegetables, avocados increase absorption of other nutrients.

They are perfect, mashed, for babies who are just starting on solids. Add to salads, pasta, prawns, tuna or just eat as they are! Avocados can also be used externally for skin complaints.

7. Farm raised eggs
Few foods can match the nutritional power of an egg yolk. The modern philosophy of balanced eating has overturned the fear of cholesterol because balanced insulin and blood sugar decreases cholesterol production in the body. People feed yolks to make their dogs coat healthy: eggs can do the same for human skin and hair. Plus, egg whites are an excellent source of protein.

8. Stem, stalk and leafy vegetables
Greens, such as broccoli, kale, spinach and other leafy greens offer roughage, water, and many essential phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals.

9. Raw cacao
Women usually crave chocolate during the menstrual cycle to escape the hormonal storm. Raw cacao contains anandamide, a substance that mimics marijuana, thus giving women a sensation of bliss. (10 tips to prevent PMS - naturally)

10. Organic yogurt
Yogurt has probiotics for good digestive health and calcium for strong bones. It is also quite versatile and can be eaten for any meal of the day.

Bonus: 11. Olive oil and sesame oil
These delicious unsaturated fats are heart-healthy and can reduce your cholesterol levels as well as reduce inflammation. Rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamin E and other nutrients, these healthy oils can be used in many cooking applications.

Olive oil Olive oil has been around for 1000's of years and is one of the main components of a Mediterranean diet which is widely thought of as one of the healthiest diets in the world.

Olive oil has high levels of monounsaturated fats (like avocados) which help prevent heart disease by lowering bad' cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good' cholesterol (HDL). It can lower blood pressure, possibly due to constituents called Phenols, and one study shows regular consumption of olive oil can reduce the need for hypertensive medication by 48%.

Olive oil is also high in Vitamin E, a powerful anti oxidant which protects the heart, slows down the aging process (hurrah!!) and is even considered an aphrodisiac!

A US study has found olive oil may act in a similar way to painkillers such as ibuprofen which are anti-inflammatory. Inflammation has been linked with a wide range of diseases from cancer to heart disease to rheumatoid arthritis. In fact studies have shown that regular consumption of olive oil lowers the risk of rheumatoid arthritis in later life.

Extra virgin olive oil is best and as we only use small quantities it is worth the extra money.

Use for stir fries, as a dip with balsamic vinegar for ciabatta or granary bread, pour over salads, vegetables or pasta, add to sauces, just have a bit of olive oil every day!

posted at Healthy Being LLC

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Protein without Meat

Improving Protein Requirements the Meatless Way

Some people either for cultural, religious or ethical reasons do not include meat in their diet. It is a personal choice that involves some degree of dietary risk because our bodies require amino acids to build and repair cells. Amino acids are often referred to as “the building blocks of protein”. Animal proteins contain all the essential amino acids in the right ratios and are known as suppliers of complete proteins. Most plant based foods lack one or more of the amino acids necessary to classify them as sources of complete proteins. Limiting amino acids in the diet can inhibit protein synthesis and consequently hamper the repair and production of cells and muscle tissue.

But, nature has provided a way out for people who do not consume meat products in their diet. By combining certain carbohydrates, you can create a complete amino acid profile without eating meat. Known as protein complementation, mixing food groups can ensure that you get enough dietary protein daily. As long as you eat a variety of complementary foods within a 24 hour period of time, you should be able to reach the required levels of amino acids necessary for the body to function properly. Complementary proteins have different amino acid profiles, but can function as complete protein sources when combined together.

Some examples of protein complementation include:

Combining beans with a tortilla; lentils with cornbread; rice with beans; corn with peas; peanut butter on whole grain bread; split pea soup with whole grain sesame crackers; and hummus with pita bread. These are just a few good protein complementation ideas you may want to try.

The RDA (recommended daily allowance) of protein is about 47 grams per day for the average sedentary (inactive) adult. This requirement increases with activity, so the average adult who exercises moderately to vigorously should be about 70 grams of protein per day.

The Better Life Experts | July 6, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

There are Vitamins and then there are vitamins

When I was younger I thought the mere act of buying a vitamin and taking it home was a major health step. Later I even swallowed some of them.

As I got older I met people in and out of the Health and what would become the Wellness Business (and I mean business). Among these people I met some researches and doctors who studied the effects of vitamins on the body - and on the sewage system I might add. (dont forget 40 years ago maybe less doctors had very little 'medical' knowledge about vitamins.
'Minerals?? - you mean dirt??'

One researcher from Canada Health had a great lecture where he showed store-bought vitamins in a jar. looked OK to me. Yes he said - but these are 'used' they have been through the body. (I had a picture, we all did - how did he get these 'used' vitamins?). THus the concern with the sewage syatem and all these used/unsed vitamins decaying there. (think estrogen and fish)

The 'coating' was such (quite often sugar and starch) that the body couldn't break it down - and they went in and out - the same.

Then I saw a study of how much vitamin c was left in a tablet after its packaging and shelving and storing and then you getting it home. And what was left may have trace Vitamin C , but could the body absorb it?

I asked a Doctor of nutrition - what was the best then. He said he didn't know if there was a best - but he recommenced I study what Nutrilite did and then compare against the rest.

I am not a scientsist - so I dont know either -but Nutrilite is worth using as a comparison. It seems to have right policy - idea.

Create your 'food' from plants that grow in farms you own and control. Harvest as little or as much as is ready - control the soil, control the harvesting, control the concentration, control the packaging and control the delivery system to the market. And make 'the vitmain' as much like food as possible as the body is designed to absorb food - not tablets.

Then make the 'vitamin or mineral' as 'whole' as possible, bundle in all the unintended bits and pieces found in nature to keep the process'organic'. That is a whole food vitamin.

I am sure on a small scale there are other companies that do what Nutrilite does, but I am amazed and their scale and dedication -not to sales but to quality of the whole

website - Nutrilite

Monday, June 29, 2009

A Primer On B Vitamins

There’s a lot of hype about B vitamins in the media, especially vitamin B12, probably because of the high amounts of B vitamins in some energy drinks. So here’s your primer--let’s call it B Vitamins 101.

The B vitamins are water soluble. That means they’re not stored in the body but are used and then eliminated. The Bs are found mainly in brewer’s yeast, soy beans, organ meats, vegetables, some dairy products, fish, and poultry. The Bs could be called the absolute Bs because they’re necessary for so many functions in the body. Here’s a brief list of the B vitamins and what they do in the body:

B1: Thiamine
Supports a healthy heart and helps with normal enzyme function.

B2: Riboflavin
Helps break down carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

B3: Niacin
Helps in breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. In large doses, it may help to lower serum cholesterol, but it can cause flushing of the skin. If you already have hot flashes, they may become atomic--at least until your body adapts.

B6: Pyridoxine
Helps the nervous and digestive systems and the production of red blood cells.

Helps with the digestive system, benefits hair, skin, and nails, and aids in making bone marrow.

Folic Acid
Most necessary in preventing some birth defects and in the nervous system; may also help reduce inflammation by helping process homocysteine.

Pantothenic Acid
Necessary in the digestive system and in making sex hormones.

And now to answer the main question: vitamin B 12 is an important part of the B-complex family. However it’s important to remember that all the Bs work together.

Many people think of vitamin B12 as the anti-stress vitamin as well as the energy vitamin. The important issue about B12 is this: vitamin B12 cannot be produced by your body--it must come from your diet. In addition, B12 is not easily absorbed or broken down within the body because the molecules are too large and complex for easy absorption.

Now, let’s get into what all the hubbub is about. First, there are different types of B12: methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin, cyanocobalamin, and hydroxycobalamin. Whew!!! For an easier explanation, let’s define the different type of B12s as “M”, “A”, “C”, and “H”. According to the dictionary, MACH stands for a measure of relative speed, much like the B-complex vitamins act in the body. To continue:

M is for methylocobalamin; M is not a complete form of B12, but rather acts as a co-enzyme of B12. It resides in the liver and the kidneys. M is activated in the body for specific purposes, primarily for detoxification of metals such as lead and mercury. M is also very effective for removing high levels of homocysteine, a substance found in the blood of people with specific inherited diseases and also in an individual likely to have serious heart disease.

A is for adenosylcobalamin. A is another co-enzyme form of B12 that is found in the muscles. It helps the body move and stretch without tearing the tissue.

C is for cyanocobalamin, the main form of vitamin B12. C is found in the nervous system and the nerves. It helps heal the scars created by stress, trauma, and aging. C helps a person feel better, with more stamina and energy. This form of vitamin B is probably what you’re hearing about with all the energy drinks being promoted. People are quoted as saying, “Whenever I take cyanocobalamin, I feel better all over!”

H is for Hydroxycobalamin. H is the form of B12 that is usually given to children who are deficient in the vitamin. H is found in the nervous system and in the bloodstream; it does not give a fast boost of energy.

So what should you do? Better Life suggests that everyone take a supplement rich in B-complex vitamins and especially in B12 for lots of health reasons. However, people of retirement age, vegetarians, and especially vegans should be tested regularly for B12 deficiencies, since absorption declines as a person ages, and vegetarian foods are not a good source of vitamin B12. Remember, eating a healthy diet that contains a broad spectrum of foods is the smart thing to do.

As for the new energy drinks, they’re somewhat the same. Most contain some of the B vitamins, different levels of caffeine, and a various mixture of herbs such as ginseng, as well as other amino acids. We suggest you drink these drinks as an occasional beverage and not sip them all day long. In addition, senior citizens should talk with their doctors about B12 deficiencies at a yearly physical and supplement as the doctor recommends

Patricia Zifferblatt | July 29, 2008

The Poop On Colon-Rectal Cancer

Since so many of our readers are considered ‘baby boomers’ and have scheduled a ‘colonoscopy’ for the over 50 year old group, the question regularly arises: “Should I have a colonoscopy and specifically, what are my risks of developing colon cancer?”

Excellent questions! The answer to the first, ‘should I have a colonoscophy’ is a resounding, “YES” since colon-rectal cancer is relatively easy to identify and diagnose in pre-cancerous stages by the removal of growths that >may
And now, the second question: “What are my risks of developing colon cancer? What can I do to prevent it from happening to me?”
  1. Aging. The older one becomes, the greater the chance of developing all types of cancers, including colorectal cancer.
  2. Since it is not exactly known why colorectal cancer begins, scientists believe there may be a genetic predisposition in a person’s biological tree that is triggered by some kind of environmental factor(s) If you have inherited a history of colorectal cancer within your personal family circle, report this fact to your personal physician.
  3. Eat a healthy high fiber diet, limit junk-fatty foods, and include cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.) on a regular basis.
  4. Exercise regularly and avoid obesity!
  5. Takes supplements that are high in antioxidants and include calcium and vitamin D.
  6. Report any changes in bowel function, any rectal bleeding, and any persistent or painful hemorrhoids to your doctor.
  7. Anti-inflammatory drugs (i.e. NSAIDS) such as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, or Naproxen may help in preventing colon cancer. In addition, eating foods or taking nutritional supplements that contain red, black, and purple berries every day may have a beneficial affect against developing colorectal cancer.
  8. Do not smoke or use tobacco products and limit alcohol consumption.
Better Life provides an assessment free of charge to help determine risk for developing colon-rectal cancer.

As with all cancer, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Living a healthier lifestyle and including your personal physician in your life-health decisions can help you live a better life for all your days.

ref: B.L.I

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mineral Depletion in Soil

Patricia Zifferblatt | June 24, 2009

Minerals and trace elements are an integral part of the chemical structure of almost all vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and a host of other substances that our body depends upon to be healthy and function properly. Did you know that plants absorb around 70 to 80 different minerals from the soil during the time they are growing? The majority of fertilizers used today by commercial growers contain only about five or six types of minerals. So where will the rest of the minerals come from? Is it possible to use up all the nutrients in the soil and eventually run out? What can we do to make a difference?

It will help us to know what minerals are and where they come from in the first place. Textbooks tell us: A mineral is a naturally occurring substance formed through geological processes that has a characteristic chemical composition, a highly ordered atomic structure and specific physical properties. This definition gives us some important information that can help to answer the questions we’ve asked. First, our soil is made up of minerals of all kinds. Thousands of years ago the soil was richly laden with minerals, the result of millions of years of shifting earth (which created pulverized rock), decaying plant life and animal waste products. These same geological processes happen today, but because we mass-produce so many crops now, there is a danger of depleting the soil of some minerals that natural processes can’t replace fast enough.

It has been estimated that although mineral depletion has been underway for thousands of years, about 70% of it has occurred over the last 100 years alone. And it appears that this is happening worldwide, with North America leading the pack at an 85% depletion level. Over the years many farmers engaged in practices that helped prevent mineral depletion. Crop rotation was one such practice whereby the grower changed what was grown on a particular section of land from year to year. For example, this could mean that one year the field was planted in corn and the next year it would be hay. Since different crops require different ratios of micronutrients, this practice slowed down the depletion rate of any given mineral. Many farmers in the past also allowed a section of their land to lie ‘fallow’ for a year so that no minerals would be taken out of the soil for that year. They did this by systematically choosing a different section of land each year to let it “rest”. So, if we have been using these responsible farming practices all along, why is depletion occurring?

According to agricultural expert Mick Bridge, the reason for mineral depletion is very complicated. Bridge says that ‘good’ soils contain a reservoir of micronutrients (minerals) in excess of what the plant needs to grow. Not all soil contains the same ratio of minerals, nor is that ratio a fixed amount. (Remember, soil is basically weathered rock whose particles continuously break down into smaller particles as a result of rain and temperature extremes.) Other factors such as the water solubility of the available mineral and the pH (acidity level) of the soil also contribute to how many minerals are actually available to the plant at any given time. The most efficient method for animals and humans of getting mineral needs met is by eating plants. A plant requires the mineral to be in its smallest molecular form so that it can be taken into the plant attached to a water molecule. This will ‘feed’ the plant which, in turn, can feed us. The most fertile soils tend to be those where a combination of pulverized rock and decaying animal and vegetable matter are fed by rivers and/or mountain washes to produce high levels of humus and mineral-rich soils. Under these conditions, the replenishment of minerals to the soil can even exceed the amount taken up by plants, leaving the soil rich in mineral content.

Bridge points out that all soil receives a continual input from external sources, whether in the form of rainfall, irrigation, or flooding. Also, all soils receive nutrients, either from chemical/mineral sources (commercial fertilizers) or from a more ‘natural/organic’ source (compost). He writes that crops fail, not because of a shortage of just one mineral, but because the soil cannot cope if one crop is continuously grown in the same soil year after year. This agricultural practice drains the soil of certain minerals while leaving the rest behind. Even if fertilizer is used, an especially large crop yield can deplete the soil of available micronutrients faster than they can be replaced. In today’s race to produce high crop yields to meet the demands of local and export markets, the soil doesn’t have time to replenish its mineral content before the next crop is sown.

Another issue is erosion. Flatlands are especially vulnerable to wind and flood erosion if care is not taken to stabilize the soil with some form of winter growth. We learned that lesson the hard way during the ‘Dust Bowl’ years when topsoil was literally blown out of many of our breadbasket states. That’s why today you will see many fields planted in winter wheat or a grass of some kind after harvest. These plants will hold the soil in place and return the micronutrients to the soil when the farmer plows the plants under the following Spring.

The news that mineral depletion has now become as issue for the consumer shouldn’t come as a total surprise. Any condition that results in low levels of plant nutrients means that the consumer will not get the amount of nutrition assumed to be there even when eating a healthy array of fruits, vegetable and grains. This suggests that we need a long-term plan as well as a short-term solution to address the problem head-on.

Long-term Plan Agriculture will need to look at ways to meet the consumers’ needs while protecting the land from mineral depletion. For example, researchers have found that sulfur-deprived grain has nearly 30 times more amino acids than other grain. But, surprisingly, when flour made from that grain is heated above a certain temperature, a neurotoxin/carcinogen is produced at a level almost eight times higher than what is considered normal. As a result of this discovery, hundreds of studies are currently underway to look at the impact of mineral depletion in the foods we eat, with particular attention given to studies of specific kinds of minerals. Research focused on finding more eco-friendly fertilizers must also continue. Some bacteria play a vital role in converting soil minerals into chemical forms that plants can use. Just as some types of fertilizer in use today alter the pH balance to such an extent that ‘good’ bacteria cannot survive, many commercial pesticides and herbicides are having a similar effect on beneficial fungi in the soil. It may be a good idea to insure that growers engage in regular soil testing and be required to augment the soil with minerals, as needed, for the crops they intend to sell to the public.

Short-term Solution In the meantime, consumers can increase their intake homegrown fruits and vegetables. In the present economy, more and more people are trying their hand at gardening and turning to the local farmers market for produce. This may turn out to be healthy solution as well as an economical one for many of us. First-time gardeners are tilling soil that is probably richer in minerals than agricultural land that has been cultivated for years. While the crop yield will probably not be adequate to meet all nutritional needs for a family, it will certainly be a terrific addition to what must be purchased. And even though the mineral content of some foods we purchase may be a little low, don’t stop eating the fruits, vegetables and grains that are high in mineral content. A good multiple vitamin containing minerals can help boost those depleted levels as well.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Health tips for men closing in on 50

As we get older , obviously we change - our musculature, our desires and our energy. We tend to get lazier than when younger. Though I think this is a society habit rather than an age habit. here are some tips to maintain health and energy as we mature.

1) You lose muscle tone as you age, take up weight training, if you have never done it before - take advice and start slowly - but build back your muscle tone. You can easily do weight training into your 70's and 80's. Keep your body from falling literally down.

2) Get your weight down. If you are overweight, be brutal with yourself, get your weight down, slim down, don't carry that extra weight. When you were younger your body could take more punishment - be gracious with your frame and body now. Allow it space. So eat lean. Allow your heart to work less, be kind to your veins and arteries. Take away the physical stress on your organs. Get the weight off your bones and joints. Improve your muscle tone but avoid the fat.

3) Get your blood pressure under control. Heart attacks are lethal and have no warning signs - except blood pressure. You can die at 40 or 80 of a heart attack, and their is no warning. Check your blood pressure, get it within a healthy range. But unless critical - try to avoid drugs - use exercise diet and nutrition.

4) Eat less and eat healthier - your body and its systems don't process food as well as at twenty - give them leeway, treat them kindly. Moderation in all things. Cut out the obvious fat and sodium monsters.

5) Take vitamins. Vitamins and mineral tablets may not do much if your are slim and trim and on a healthy diet. But your body needs help in procuing a lot of things it had no problem with at twnety five Take a multivitamin - it wont hurt. Ideally a premium one ( that is one that works as a food and is not just artificial vitamins in starch and sugar) One of the best is Nutrilite brand

6) For health - think nutrition first before prescription drugs. Prescription drugs are always a problem. They are emergency treatment- not lifestyle treatment. Glucosomine for joints, omega 3 for immune system and health heart. Garlic for cleansing and heart health. Ginseng for energy (be careful with good ginseng its quite the booster) etc

7) Produce more joy than worry in your life. Think your old. Hey you could be dead tomorrow - or you could have another 50 years(your life so far over again) Set a goal, get a desire, make plans. You are always happier on the way to a desire. It may be time to retire from the job - but life is rich and omnipresent , always - get involved in your life

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Vitamin D and Calcium

The Better Life Experts | June 18, 2009

Vitamin D is vital to bone mineralization in the body; it functions as a conductor in the orchestra, directing and regulating calcium as well as other minerals into the bone. It has received much more media attention recently and your physician may have told you to supplement with Vitamin D in your last physical examination for very good reasons. Without adequate amounts of Vitamin D, the body cannot use calcium properly. Over time, our bones will lose calcium, the skeleton supporting our muscles, tissues and organs will weaken, the risk for fractures increases, our body’s ability to heal damaged bones diminishes and ultimately, regardless or whether you are male or female, osteoporosis occurs.

Vitamin D is produced in our bodies through the sun. People who have regular exposure to sunlight are less likely to suffer from Vitamin D deficiencies, but if you live in areas that have smog, excessive cloudiness or wear sunscreen every day, your body may not be able to make enough Vitamin D. Northern states that experience cold, wintry weather usually do not experience enough strong sunlight to allow for the body’s production of adequate amounts of Vitamin D during winter months.

Some foods in the United States, such as processed milk, cheese, yogurt, juices, margarine and breakfast cereals are fortified with Vitamin D. Eggs and some fish (salmon, tuna and mackerel) contain natural amounts of Vitamin D. Plant foods do not contain Vitamin D and if your diet is strictly vegetarian, you may be deficient and should probably supplement with daily multi-vitamin(s). Even though Vitamin D and calcium work together, they do not have to be taken at the same time in order to be effective; Vitamin D just has to be in the diet at a consistent level along with calcium.

A cautionary note: Vitamin D is stored in the body and overexposure can cause toxicity. Excess supplementation with Vitamin D through supplements and not through food or sunlight, is generally the culprit in overdose cases.

Vitamin D Requirements (National Academy of Sciences, 1997)
IU = International Units

Birth – 50 years of age 200 IU
51 – 70 years of age 400 IU
71+ years of age 600 IU
Pregnant women 200 IU
Nursing women 200 IU

Sources of Vitamin D

1 cup fortified fat-free milk 100 IU
1 cup fortified cereal 60 IU
1 Tbsp. fortified margarine 60 IU
1 Egg (large) 25 IU
3 ½ oz. salmon 360 IU
3 oz. tuna (canned) 200 IU
1 Multivitamin with 100% DV 400 IU

Monday, June 15, 2009

Why People Join Gyms and Still Don’t Exercise

The Better Life Experts | June 15, 2009

Based upon experience with our on-line readership as well as feedback from participants in Better Life Unlimited programs, there are a handful of main reasons that people join but fail to regularly attend the gym as a means for achieving their weight loss goals.

1.They don’t know how to use the equipment. Lack of knowledge about lifting weights and operating machinery can lead to injury through misuse. Learning how to use exercise equipment is not always innate or easy and sometimes instructors are too busy or unavailable for assistance at the time you need help.

2.Waiting to use equipment. If you go to the gym like most other working people after 5:00 p.m., you may experience an increased demand for machines and wind up having to wait your turn. This is a time waster for people who are already on tight schedules – frustration sets in and they give up and go home to sit on the couch instead.

3.Irritating and annoying people. Every gym or sports club has at least one or two non-professionals who ‘know it all’ when it comes to exercise and nutrition. They spend their time dispensing unsolicited advice to others even though they clearly do not ‘walk the talk’ and can quickly get on your last good nerve. Additionally, people go to the gym for different reasons. Some people enjoy socializing while there while others prefer not to chat or mingle with other participants. Depending upon which group you fit in, you can feel ‘put off’ by someone from the other group.

4.Expensive memberships. Gyms aren’t cheap (well some are, but you get what you pay for). They generally charge a membership fee as well as monthly charges and many require that you pay for an entire year without the possibility of refunds.

5. Overcrowding and germs. Sports clubs and gyms are designed to accommodate many people at the same time with constant turnover rates. Some people who use machinery, equipment or attend classes are inconsiderate of others when they come to the gym sick, spreading germs and not cleaning up after themselves before they leave. Unless the gym or sports club you frequent has a top-notch cleaning service, chances are you will hop on a treadmill right after one of those sweaty, coughing people vacates the spot.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Omega Fatty Acids in Good Nutrition

Omega-3s are termed essential fatty acids (EFAs) because they are critical for good health. Since the body cannot make them on its own, omega-3s must be obtained from food.

Key Functions

  • Reduce hypertension. Studies of large groups of people have found that the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids may aid in lowering overall blood pressure level.
  • Improve heart health. Omega-3 fatty acids may play a part in keeping cholesterol levels low, stabilizing irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), and reducing blood pressure.
  • Protecting the heart. Researchers now believe that alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), one of the omega-3s, may be particularly beneficial in protecting against heart and blood vessel disease, and for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Food Sources

Key omega-3 fatty acids include eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), docosahexanoic acid (DHA), and alpha-lineolenic acid (ALA). EPAs and DHAs are found in oily cold-water fish such as tuna, salmon, and mackerel, as well as fresh seaweed. ALAs are found primarily in dark green leafy vegetables, flaxseed oils, and certain vegetable oils.


There is no established recommended daily intake for omega-3s, but a healthy diet containing significant amounts of foods rich in this essential fatty acid is recommended.

Omega-3 fatty acids are very safe to consume. However, most experts recommend limiting fish consumption to two to three servings weekly because so many fish may be tainted with mercury and other contaminants. Fish oil capsules do not usually present this same risk.

Safety Evidence

There are no known side effects associated with increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids through foods, although fish oil capsules do pose the risk of a "burp" factor – a harmless, sometimes unpleasant, fishy aftertaste that occurs with some brands of fish oil capsules.

ref Nutrilite. com

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Metabolism - and what to do about it

Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions that occur in living organisms in order to maintain life. These processes allow organisms to grow and reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to their environments. Metabolism is usually divided into two categories. Catabolism breaks down organic matter, for example to harvest energy in cellular respiration. Anabolism, on the other hand, uses energy to construct components of cells such as proteins and nucleic acids. In short the burning of certain amount of energy (calories) by your body to maintain itself is called metabolism. Your body is constantly burning the calories no matter what you are doing be it eating, drinking, sleeping, cleaning just to maintain itself.

Metabolism is affected by your body composition i.e the amount of muscle you have versus the amount of fat. The muscle in our body uses more calories to maintain itself compared to fat. People who are more muscular than others that are less muscular (and have a higher percentage of body fat than muscular people) are said to have a higher metabolism. For example, let's say you have two people who have the exact same height and weight. One exercises on a regular basis with weights, in addition to aerobic exercise, and has a low percentage of body fat. The other never exercises and has a higher percentage of body fat. The first person who exercises will have a higher metabolism than the second person. What this basically means is that person number 1's body will use more calories to sustain itself than person number 2.

To increase your metabolism, you should start to exercise and get the right diet plan. To increase your muscle mass, start doing some type of resistance work such as lifting weights, rubber bands etc. For you to lower your level of body fat you should do some type of aerobic exercise at least 30 minutes a day 3 days a week. This could be activities such as walking, jogging, step aerobics cycling, swimming. These activities will increase your heart beat rate into the training heart rate and keep it there for the duration of the exercise session.

Apart from the workout, you need to have the right diet plan that does not starve you. As you are burning a lot of calories working out, you need to replenish your body by drinking plenty of water and you need to take your regular meal which breakfast, lunch and dinner. The right diet should cover what you eat, the size of your meals, the time of day in which you eat certain food groups, the time between meals, and the number of meals you eat each day. All this can have a bigger effect on your weight than the amount of calories that you consume.

If you do not eat, or you eat a very low-calorie diet, your metabolism will decrease because your body thinks it is starving and your body will burn less calories. This happen so that your body can survive.

Important NoticeDISCLAIMER: All information, content, and data in this article are sole opinions and/or findings of the individual user

Friday, June 5, 2009

The allure of Fast Food

We all know that eating a diet comprised primarily of take-out, fast food, is dangerous to our health. Yet, we continue to feed our bodies with high fat, high calorie and low nutrition foods from drive through restaurants and convenience stores as if we didn’t know any better. Why do we persist in refueling our bodies with nutritionally low-grade food products?

Perception has quite a lot to do with choosing fast food as fuel. We think that it is more convenient to pick something up for lunch or on the way home from work that is already prepared. We believe that it is cheaper than making a lunch or dinner from non-processed foods – Who has the time to cook? Add the general dislike of mainstream American culture for cooking and you have the ingredients that make fast food a growth industry.

Habitual behaviors may also play a big role how we make food choices. Eating fatty foods can be viewed as one of many habits that arise as a result of specific neural activity patterns made in the brain. These familiar neuronal pathways make it difficult for people to break habitual patterns of behavior. Many of us are conditioned during childhood with sweet or fatty foods as rewards or treats. The Easter Bunny brings chocolate, we celebrate our birthdays with cake and ice cream, the Christmas season sends us over the edge with pies, cookies, towers of candy, stuffing, heaps of mashed potatoes, etc. Neural pathways develop which equate feeling good with eating foods that are fatty, sweet and high in calories. These routes through the brain can be viewed as ruts in a road. The more we travel down the same path, the deeper the furrows become. We need to fill in these ruts and build new neural pathways for our brains to follow by breaking poor food habits, which includes substituting healthier choices in place of fast food meals. During the last decade neuroscientists have discovered that our brains are capable of creating an endless number of new neural connections through thought patterning.

Maybe it’s time for some of us to rethink our misconceptions about food and try some new paths on our way to a better life – ones that don’t involve stopping at old haunts on rutted roads.

ref B.L.I

Monday, June 1, 2009

Effective cooling down after exercise

Do you know that making time to cool down after a work-out is just as important as warming up before you start exercising? Cooling down helps to reduce heart rates, allows breathing to return back to normal and can prevent dizziness.

The body undergoes stress during rigorous exercise; muscles, tendons and ligaments experience a lot of strain and waste products build up inside the body. By cooling down properly after exercise, the body is able to release muscle strain and flush toxins. The soreness that is usually experienced the day or two after a strenuous workout can help to be alleviated by cooling down consistently after exercise. Waste products such as lactic acid (a chemical byproduct of muscular fatigue) can remain in the muscles and cause swelling and pain when exercise is abruptly stopped. Another process, called “blood pooling”, can be avoided by cooling down, bringing blood to the heart in sufficient quantities and reducing lactic acid within the muscles. Blood pooling is the accumulation of blood in the extremities and occurs naturally when we engage in vigorous exercise. That is one reason that you will see long distance runners adopt walking or light jogging postures after a race or observe horses brought down to a canter after galloping the turf course.

Effective cooling down involves restoration of the circulatory system, allowing repair and nutrient replenishment to the body. It should include gentle exercise, stretching and fueling. These three factors work together and ignoring any of them can result in dizziness and nausea. By initially engaging in lower intensity exercise to lower the heart rate, followed by stretching the muscles that have been most actively utilized, and ending with the refueling of water, mineral and protein can help get your body back to normal safely, quickly, preparing you for the next day’s workout. Getting a good night’s sleep is also a critical part of the final cool down process.

ref: B.L.I.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

XS Energy Drinks

XS brand energy drinks are one of the fastest growing brands in N.America - and yet they are on no store shelves, no advertising, and little or general public awareness.

Is this a cult thing?

XS Energy brand grew to sales of over 5 million cases by 2006, and then another million increase over that for 2007

XS Detailed Product info FAQ here

XS Energy states they were the first to make an energy drink in a specific flavor and the first to use the 'Sugar Free' label.

It was never intended nor marketed to be a diet drink. The first energy tea was also introduced by XS Energy and now there are two in their line up. Both are non carbonated and contain green tea.

The company's focal point is to bring flavors that consumers love without the carbs and sugar. They are available in a variety of flavors, including three that are caffeine-free.

The drinks contain between zero and two grams of carbohydrates, and hold between eight and sixteen calories chiefly from the amino acids taurine and glutamine. They are sweetened with Acesulfame potassium (Ace K) and less than one half gram of sucralose instead of sugar. They also contain a variety of adaptogenic herbs (except the caffeine-free), including Eleutherococcus senticosus, Panax ginseng, Panax quinquefolium, Schisandra, Astragalus, Echinacea purpurea, and Reishi, and are high in B vitamins.

XS Energy Drink is manufactured by California-based company Logic Nutrition, but the product is exclusively distributed and sold by Quixtar, a netwrok marketing company.Thus no advertisng or store prescence is used.

XS emphasizes that it has "0 Carbs, 0 Sugar and only 8 Calories" and offers more flavors than most other brands, including three that are also available in caffeine-free versions. The drink contains no carbohydrate, and claims only eight calories with B vitamins and a variety of adaptogenic herbs (natural herb products that increase the body's resistance to stresses such as trauma, anxiety and bodily fatigue and that help the body maintain optimal homeostasis). The XSGear website includes recipes for mixed drinks and smoothies made with XS Energy drinks, as well as apparel, accessories and other promotional gear (e.g. glowing shot glasses, mini coolers, stickers, pens) for OTC marketing campaigns.

XS info FAQ here

  • Claim: More flavors than other energy drinks, including first-ever rootbeer flavored energy drink
  • Sizes: 8.4 fl oz/250mL can
  • Variations: Cola Blast, Rootbeer Blast, Rootbeer Blast-Caffeine Free, Cranberry-Grape Blast, Cranberry-Grape Blast-Caffeine Free, Citrus Blast, Tropical Blast, Tropical Blast-Caffeine Free, Cherry Blast, Electric Lemon Blast, Tea-Berry Blast
  • Producer: Logic Nutrition
  • Purchase : On line store - click here

FAQ for XS Energy Drinks

How does XS® taste so good with no sugar and very few calories?

XSdrinks use a proprietary blend of Sucralose, Acesulfame Potassium and fruit essences to give the drinks their great flavor without sugar or empty calories. In fact, the calories in the drink come from the 2 grams of amino acids.

How is XS Energy Drink sweetened?

We use Sucralose and Ace-K because they are high quality, great tasting and safe FDA approved sweeteners. The two of them combined create the great taste that XS has. If something better comes along in the future, that is FDA approved, we will certainly investigate it.

Does XS contain Gluten?

No - XS Energy Drinks are Gluten free!

Will the energy effects be decreased if taken daily?


Is it possible to overdose on B vitamins?

B vitamins are part of the group called "water soluble" vitamins. Excessive amounts of "water soluble" vitamins are merely excreted through the urine.

How much caffeine is in XS Energy Drinks?

All of the XS Energy Drinks, except the caffeine-free flavors, have approximately 83 mg of caffeine. This is the equivalent to a one ounce shot of espresso.

Why is caffeine in the drinks?

The drinks are ENERGY drinks and in order to deliver energy without loads of calories from sugar, you have to find a way to quickly deliver B-vitamins and amino acids. Caffeine is a great way to enhance performance as well as open the blood vessels so that vitamins and amino acids can quickly enter the bloodstream and give you a boost without the sugar highs and crashes.

Doesn't caffeine make you jittery?

Everyone's body reacts differently to different foods. In most cases, it is not caffeine that makes people "jittery". It is usually the "sugar high" that makes people "jittery". When they "crash" after a sugar high, some people think the solution is another "sugar high" that starts another up-down-up-down cycle that can be very unhealthy both short term and long term.

Are there any other benefits to caffeine?

Caffeine is credited with increasing the substance, serotonin, in the neural connections (synapses) in the brain. This increase in serotonin is credited with increasing concentration and focus. It is also credited with elevating one's mood.

How much sugar is in XS drink?

There is less than 1/2 calorie of sugar in XS Energy Drink. This qualifies for the government-approved statement "No Sugar". The calories in XS are from amino acids and are protein calories that aid your body’s natural metabolic process. Most 8.4 ounce energy drinks in the market today have over 100 calories from 27-30 grams of sugar, which is a simple carbohydrate. Most 12 ounce non-diet soft drinks have 170 calories from 40 grams of sugar. Most 5.5 ounce juice drinks have 80 calories from 20 grams of sugar.

Why is it important to NOT have sugar or carbohydrate calories in any drink?

Calories from sugar and carbohydrates may increase fat deposits. Simple carbohydrates are also called high-glycemic (high sugar) foods. High-glycemic foods cause your body to pump insulin to digest the sugar, which sends a message to your body to store calories as fat. Low-glycemic foods do not pump insulin to the same degree and aid in your body’s natural metabolism of fat, using your body’s fat resources as fuel. The calories in XS are from amino acids and are protein calories that aid your body’s natural metabolic process.

Is caffeine-free XS okay for pregnant women?

XS Energy Drink cannot make recommendations for people with specific medical conditions. Please check with your doctor before making any changes to your diet.

Is XS Energy Drink FDA approved?

Since XS is a beverage, we have never been required to seek any FDA approval.

Does XS Energy Drink contain benzene?

There has been some concern recently over reports published on the Internet that high levels of benzene might occur in carbonated soft drinks, including drinks like XS Energy Drinks. There is no benzene in XS drinks which is of clinical or of medical significance.

The conditions for benzene creation include vitamin C, benzoate, exposure to high heat and UV sunlight. While vitamin C and benzoate are common in many soft drinks and in the non-caffeinated XS flavors, XS Energy Drinks are not exposed to high heat or UV light. We use a unique cold fill process which bypasses the risk for benzene production.

Tests from a world renowned beverage laboratory confirmed that there were no appreciable levels of benzene in any of the XS Energy Drinks. Testing has shown XS benzene levels to be at lower levels than municipal drinking water. The US Environmental Protection Agency has set the maximum permissible level of benzene in drinking water at 0.005 milligrams per liter (0.005 mg/L). The level of benzene in XS is so low that it's measured in parts per billion. The laboratory benzene analysis came up with an aggregate average of 0.475 PPB on the caffeine-free products.

Domestic storage of caffeine free XS drinks can not produce heat levels high enough to form benzene. A hot car exposure can get as high as 125F inside a car in the summer. Pasteurization (the heating process required to produce benzene in a bottled drink) is a function of time and temperature. The pasteurization temperatures are typically 145F for 35 - 45 minutes.

Why are coloring dyes used in XS drinks?

This is an important question, because there has been a lot of press about certain chemicals used as dyes that turned out to be dangerous. None of those dangerous chemicals are used in XS. It is important not to confuse safe, everyday dyes used in countless food products with entirely different chemicals and dyes that were also used to color food products. This is analogous to believing that all wall paints should be avoided because some wall paints in the past contained the dangerous levels of lead.

XS uses two very safe, very popular and frequently used food colorings. The two food colors are: Yellow #5 (2mg or 8 parts per million) in the Citrus and Red #40 (2.5mg or 10 parts per million) in the Cranberry to supplement the natural colors. Extensive scientific studies have never discovered any negative side-effects from these dyes at these extremely low amounts. They are VERY safe.

The reason XS contains these dyes is the same reason it contains flavorings. It's great to take vitamins and herbs for your body, it's just hard to get people to take pills or eat all the things they need to in order to get it. We put all the good stuff in a form that appeals to most people in regards to taste, appearance and convenience.

XS Energy Drink is not necessarily for everyone.

If people are hyper-sensitive to dyes or caffeine or flavorings or aluminum cans or artificial sweeteners or carbonation or whatever else XS may contain that does not suit them, XS may not be for them. In addition, pregnant and nursing women, young kids, pets, etc, we would recommend they find another type of beverage that meets their needs.